What will it take to help more people with long-term health conditions/disabilities in to work?

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Disability is asking for views about how the Government can fulfil its pledge to halve the number of unemployed disabled

people.  Responses can be made to APPGinquiry@disabilityrightsuk.org – deadline is 4 July.

I have set out the questions and my answers here

They are looking for ideas about disabled people helping each other, self-employment, technological improvements and more.

To make it easier to take part, you could just send your e-mail saying which of my answers you agree, which you reject and add your own ideas too.  Go on – tell them what you think!

Penny Melville-Brown

Disability Dynamics ltd www.disabilitydynamics.co.uk

Helping disabled people to work since 2000

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