This house is just too small!

Too pathetic.  bemoaning the problem that I brought on myself.  Not enough storage space for new cooking containers, pans, and more bought on an utterly wicked day at the Gunwharf outlet centre in Portsmouth.  Now I need to find new homes for old equipment that I can’t bear to throw away.

Excellent cooking session recently when I re-discovered the joys of rough puff pastry.  It can be a pain to make with repeated folding and chilling but the result was fabulous, crispy chicken and mushroom pies.  The trick is to make enough so that some can be stored in the freezer for another super-bake.

Can you help?  I’m pulling together ideas for another book.  This time about how to manage life with a major health problem.   Do you have any ideas, experiences or solutions to share?  If so, please get in touch:

Does anyone know how to get hold of pure lanolin?  I have a recipe for making “modelling wax” and have been in touch with a demonstrator who teaches wax flower and rolled candle making.  My preference is to try creating tiny Christmas cake decorations from which I can make moulds and then cast in pewter.  All by hand and not a glint of vision in sight.

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