A glut of summer strawberries.

This trio of desserts has a hint of orange: the classic cream tea scone and hot-water pastry tart , both topped with the frozen-fresh jam and served with more strawberries “cordon Bleu”  and an orange liqueur ice-cream. Sounds madly ambitious but actually easy to make most beforehand.  This version of strawberry jam is still at the experimental stage. I made some years ago (probably over ten) and found a pot in the freezer that was still delicious but had never properly written down the recipe. I’m trying again but am not sure that I’ll wait another 10 years to test it!

After nearly 30 monthly on-line cooking demos, Open Sight Hampshire is taking a break from the series. If you have any questions about cooking with little or no sight, ideas or recipes to share, please get in touch directly at penny@laylands.co.uk. We can always set up our own sessions.

© 2025 - Penny Melville-Brown
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