Summer Harvest 2.

Bottling is the order of the day: tomatoes, damsons and even green beans!   Tomatoes are easy: wash, remove stalks, cut in half, pack tightly into a preserving jar with a couple of teaspoons each sea salt, thyme leaves, a teaspoon of caster sugar and a good pinch of black pepper. Clip down the lid and cover with water in the preserving pan. Bring to a gentle simmer for at least 45 minutes.

Damsons are treated just like the apricots  and stoning was easier now they are very ripe.

I’ve experimented with the French beans: two generous teaspoons sea salt, trimmed beans packed tight and topped with water before simmering the clipped jar for 45 minutes. Time will tell whether they work.

The next free on-line cooking demo features gluten-free frangipane, studded with fresh raspberries to serve with a scoop of the raspberry ice-cream. Quick, simple and delicious. Join us live at 10:30 on Monday 12 September, just sign up for free at:


Baking Blind talk.

Hear about my prizewinning international cooking tour, swap tips and discover some useful kitchen equipment at 14:15 on Wednesday 28 September at the free Open Sight Eye Contact exhibition.

The exhibition will be open 10:00-16:00 at St Mary’s Stadium, Southampton. Free parking at the stadium or book free transit from the station. Pre-register for the event at:

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