Umbrian aubergine antipasto
2 aubergines, evenly sliced cross ways into half centimetre discs.
Olive oil, salt and pepper.
About 300g sausage meat.
About a dozen tomatoes, cubed.
Handful of fresh mint leaves, chopped.
Parmesan cheese, freshly grated (optional).
Line a roasting tray with cooking foil and add a thin layer of oil with salt and pepper.
Lay each disc of aubergine in the seasoned oil and turn over so both sides are coated.
Continue to until the tray is covered with aubergine discs.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180C, Gas 4 for 15 minutes then turn the slice over and return to the oven for 5 minutes.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
Meanwhile, roll pieces of the sausage meat into balls (about the size of old gobstoppers). Press out each ball to cover a slice of aubergine.
Press the tomatoes mixed with mint onto the sausage meat and top with another slice of aubergine.
Repeat to make all the “aubergine sandwiches”.
Top each sandwich with more tomato and mint mix on the tray, season and drizzle more olive oil over them.
Cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes (the meat should reach at least 70C).
My Tips:
This made four servings for a light lunch/supper (3 “sandwiches” each.
If (unlike me) you eat cheese, add parmesan cheese to the top of the tomato and mint topping.
These keep well in the fridge for 24 hours and can be eaten cold.