Steven Edwards’ Marmite Bread

Little crisp and savoury brioche-type rolls created by the 2013 MasterChef Professionals winner.

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100g/4oz  Pain de Campagne Flour

100g/4oz T55 Flour

20g/1oz  Butter

10g/½oz  Caster Sugar

60g/2½oz  Warm Water

Pinch Table Salt

15g/½oz  Fresh Yeast

5g/¼ Milk Powder

Tsp Marmite

25g/1oz Eggs


In a mixer with a dough hook or by hand, mix the flour, butter, sugar, salt, milk powder and then the eggs and Marmite (about half a tablespoon).

In a small bowl whisk together the water & yeast making sure that the yeast is fully dissolved.

Slowly add the yeasty water to the dry ingredients and mix for 6 minutes – until the dough comes together leaving the bowl clean.

Knead the dough (or continue in the mixer) until the dough is smooth and starting to have a shiny surface

Cling film the bowl and leave to prove for 2 hours.

Knock back the bread by hand on very lightly floured table.

Split the mix into 8 even pieces (about 50g)

Knead and roll each piece of dough in your hand to create dough balls.

Place the dough ball sin the greased metal mould (Yorkshire pudding tin)

Cling Film lightly and leave to prove.

When double in size cook at 190c for 8 minutes.

Remove from the mould and cook for a further 4 minutes directly on the oven shelf to ensure browning and crisping on all sides.

Brush with oil and leave to cool.

My Tips:

Weighing water can be easier than trying to see (or not) the level in a measuring jug:  the number of millilitres of water is the same as the number of grams (100ml weighs 100g).

If using fast action dried yeast, halve the quantity of yeast – and keep away from the salt and sugar. This is a basic brioche dough that can take many flavours: herbs, seeds, nuts etc.

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