Looking for new audiences.

Officially on the “Speaker Circuit” this week (see the #YesSheCan website).   I’ve loved being in front of an audience all my life: from the Angel Gabriel and Virgin Mary for school and church Nativity plays before I was 11, performing in school productions, debates and more.   In the Navy, the alleged international expert on some obscure reporting, I travelled around NATO to spout. Of course, time as a criminal barrister offered new audiences – I did great mitigation!   Over the last 20 years, I’ve been talking endlessly: compering conferences, presentation ceremonies, masses of training sessions, entertaining audiences who just wanted a different perspective on life.   Blindness doesn’t matter (as long as I don’t fall off the stage or end up talking to a wall) as long as I can hear the audience: are they breathing, laughing, sleeping or listening with bated breath? While YouTube videos might reach more people, there’s nothing like real people to test your mettle and get the adrenaline flowing!

Meanwhile, recovery from the accident progresses.   Clearly, I “learned” all sorts of strange body adjustments while I was barely able to move for a long time. Chas, the ex-Army physical trainer, is putting me through my paces – literally.   I need to correct posture, walking and standing, shoulders and neck.   There are muscles all over my body that need re-educating and the resultant aches and pains are (according to him) “rewards” for progress being made. The low spot was being “walked” around the local park, practising how to get my heel firm and square on the ground with each pace, keeping the rest of the foot in a straight line.   Sounds so simple but it took all my concentration.   I put the exhaustion down to the intense heat of this week! Thankfully, there are some easier pool exercises which are more comfortable in the cool water.

Now I need to practice the semi-squats and he’s even threatened an exercise bike which is my idea of torture. It is all worthwhile if I can achieve some better movement, stamina and freedom.   Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

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