Large family lunch.

Plan for large family gathering over lunch and afternoon cake.



Lamb tajine

Roast vegetables.  


Damson and honey crumble.

Baked fruit salad.

Apple cake. 


Day 1.

Make apple cake .


Day 2.

Peel and chop root vegetables (swede, carrots, parsnip, celeriac, potatoes) and store (covered) in fridge in a little water.


Day 3.

Par cook root vegetables before mixing with chopped fennel, butternut squash, onions, garlic, tomatoes, olives, herbs and seasoning.   Anoint all liberally with olive oil and store (covered) in the fridge overnight.

Prepare fruit for crumble (defrosted damsons with honey) plus crumble mix (oats, honey, crushed hazelnuts, butter) and store separately in fridge.

1200  Sauté tajine ingredients in large ovenproof pot then cover and place in oven (50C).

Prepare fruit (pineapple, bananas, apples, pears, orange zest and segments, bottled/tinned apricots, chopped dates, sultanas, apple juice) for baked salad and put in oven (covered)on lower shelf.


Big Day.

1130  Remove tajine and baked fruit salad from oven and keep warm on hot plates.

Roast vegetables and cook crumble – keep warm.

Cook rice – keep warm.

Pour wine, relax and serve.

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