How they shot themselves in the foot.

Nearly ¾ million of us forced Government to stop rail companies getting rid of ticket offices.  Most of us objected because the change would make our lives even more difficult due to our health conditions, disabilities, impairments or other good reasons.

Now we know:

It is worth taking the time and trouble to get your voice heard by the powers-that-be.

“Shortcut public consultations” on disability topics can backfire dramatically.

Businesses now know that customers who need reasonable adjustments can force changes.

We took this stand because the Government and rail companies left us no choice.  They had already made up their minds and tried to fudge the way through with a bogus 3-week consultation.  Instead, they could have worked with us and there’s every possibility that the combined expertise and experience of customers and the train operators could have found solutions that satisfied everyone.

But watch this space: they’ll find other ways to save the money.

I was talking about all of this on BBC South TV yesterday – not a great performance as I had to stagger from the hospital bed set up in the conservatory (fractured vertebra from falling down the stairs).  Still waiting for any physio!

Instead, they’ve lost time, reputation, goodwill , Government support and, doubtless, money.

If you’re quick and would like to watch the clip then you can see it here  (at 4:26 minutes) before the link expires tonight.

© 2025 - Penny Melville-Brown
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