Exclusive : Live online bake-in for blind and visually impaired people

Thanks to Open Sight in Hampshire (UK), we are now an international group of visually impaired people baking together to create classic tea-time treats that we will be able to share with friends and family once our virus restrictions are lifted.  We have already made simple ginger biscuits and the quickest soda bread.

On Monday 12 April at 1030 (London time), we will be making lemon Victoria sponges – please join us.

While the cakes are baking, there will be time for us to share cooking tips and ideas.

Please share this with anyone who might be interested – and good for anyone on school holidays too.

On the day, you will need:

2 lemons: juice in a microwavable bowl with a tablespoon of sugar and the zest separate.

3 whole eggs, weighed in their shells.

Same weight each of butter, caster or granulated sugar, self-raising flour (or plain/all-purpose flour with a teaspoon of baking powder) –weigh and keep separate.

Equipment you will need includes:

The small microwavable bowl;

a mixing bowl;

an electric mixer or a food processor (or a whisk and very strong arm);

a spatula;

2 teaspoons;

1 tablespoon;

a toothpick;

a cooking thermometer probe (not essential).

I shall bake in a bun tin with removable silicone “bottoms”.  If you use a bun tin with fixed bottoms, you should lightly grease with a little butter.  If you want to make a larger cake, you can use a loaf or circular tins, greased with a little butter and, ideally, lined on the bottom with baking parchment paper.

Oven set to Gas 4, 180C or 355F

To join us:

Open Sight is using  Eventbrite to keep us all safe from trolls etc:

Eventbrite link:


Facebook link:


This is where people can register free for this session and will be asked:

name & email address.

Number of tickets required.

Contact telephone / mobile number (optional.)


Then a couple of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions to ask if they would like to hear about future events from us.

Then tap register.

You will receive an automatic confirmation email with relevant information about the session.

Then to the build up of the day, you will receive 3 separate email reminders and a link to join the session on the day.

If you do not have an Eventbrite account (free to sign up) you can contact open Sight and we can register them: www.opensight.org.uk

There will be a video of the session plus the earlier ones for biscuits and bread on the Open sight YouTube channel.

There are also lots of my Baking Blind world tour cooking videos on the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWTJYx7jGA3xaR4830wJSRg?view_as=subscriber

I’m also posting a weekly recipe for my “Covid cook book” on my blog Blog

And on my Facebook page Facebook

Hope to see you on the day.




© 2025 - Penny Melville-Brown
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