Category News

M4G Advocacy Media Podcast

The above clip is just a small part of my interview with Mark and Krystal at M4G Advocacy Media. Listen to the interview in full by clicking here;

Baking Blind Coronation rehearsal.

Join  Penny Melville-Brown on Monday 24 April at 1030  (London time) for a special free on-line cooking demonstration of a cake fit for the King.  Thanks to Open Sight Hampshire, you can sign  up for free at This wonderfully…

HMRC News 8 March 2023

Read the latest news covering the following topics; Making it easier for customers to view their payments and prove they’re entitled to Child Benefit Voluntary National Insurance Contributions – extended deadline Click here to read.

Latest HMRC news

Click here. Tax Credits Ltd stopped from being a tax repayment agent Budget Payment Plan available for Self Assessment customers Apprentices can use the HMRC App to support their applications Marriage Allowance – couples could save up to £252 a…

Sous-chef success

6 minute “plank” challenge completed () for Alzheimer challenge. Any donations for the charity to this page please. It’s the commando training!

For the auto-anoraks.

My nephew, Guy, designed this new racing car (he features at 6:55). I’ve always said we are a creative family.

From the Tax people.

Customers can pay their tax bill in around 60 seconds using the HMRC app ahead of 31 January deadline Businesses that deferred VAT due to COVID-19 must act now to avoid a penalty

Planking Sous Chef!

Last year the sous-chef completed the 2,022 Press-ups in January Challenge in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society and raised just under £1,000. This year the challenge is to maintain the Plank Position for 6 minutes by the end of the…

Latest from HMRC

2023-24 Cost of Living Payments  Cost of Living Payments of up to £900 will be paid to eligible customers receiving means-tested benefits, including tax credits, in three new instalments throughout 2023 and 2024. The first 2023-24 payment of £301 will…

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