Category Blog

More on the complaint to Santander Bank

What do you think: When you complain about inaccessible information, does an equally inaccessible reply count? Should staff handling customer complaints be up-to-date about the law? If a bank ignores one bit of law, what other laws are they breaking?…

Does the incompetence of banks take your breath away?

What do you think? Does responding to one discrimination with another just double the impact? Do you have similarly poor treatment from banks, insurance companies and other financial services? Isn’t it time that banks complied with the law? I wrote…

A week in the life …

What do you think? Globalisation or greed causes economic inequality? Are disabled lifts good for you? Are banks exempt from equality legislation?  It was a presentation by former colleague Professor Roger Brown at Southampton’s Solent University that piqued my interest. …

£9,000,000 and still discriminatory!

What do you think: Should Government information be available to the whole population? Should Government information comply with the law? Or don’t disabled people really matter? Depressing that the Government’s booklet setting out information about the EU referendum isn’t available…

Is full-employment achievable?

What do you think: Is ill-health/disability the biggest barrier to full employment? Or is it employer discrimination? Or the lack of a cohesive and comprehensive disability employment strategy and the tools to deliver it? According to the Resolution Foundation’s recent…

Boosting enterprise in more deprived areas.

What do you think: Is social media a good way of gaining information about deprived people? If you want to improve a service, do you start with the customers or the process? Is the rug being pulled from the majority…

Some tips for businesses recruiting new people.

What do you think: Is your business modern with ambitions for growth? Active and assertive business or passive and reactive? Want the business benefits of equality and diversity? Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are usually defined as employing 1-249 people…

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