Category Blog

Joyeux Noël

One of our Christmas packages caused all sorts of questions.   The trouble and cost of sending several thousand little parcels to ex-military blind people was truly kind.   Although the card wasn’t accessible, I’m told it used an image of First…

Winging it Blind by
Simon Mahoney

Simon Mahoney

The truth about sight loss and how to survive it.   Simon Mahoney uses his personal story to reveal the problems and solutions through his transition to total blindness.   His book, is full of practical ideas and answers for anyone…

Deck the halls …

Still a bit early but it’s not too soon to practice some Christmas treats.  These mince pies must be nearly calorie-free being so very tiny and encased in just a wisp of pastry.  How could anyone refuse I’ve been experimenting…

Two for one

Even in these times of restrictions, life can be hectic so one cooking session that provides at least two different meals can be a boon. Here it has been rather a mad house of activity.  Enough mix for sixteen Christmas…

Bullies’ Charter

Set aside the politics: I am in despair that our Prime Minister has just given carte blanche to every bully in the land to abuse work colleagues with impunity. Now it seems that “it wasn’t intentional” and “no-one told me”…

Every little counts – use Amazon Smile

I’m very proud to be Life President of our local Catisfield Memorial Hall  which everyone can support (at no cost) using Amazon Smile.  You can choose this charity through the very straightforward Amazon Smile page and then Amazon will donate…

Babies’ Heads

One of those pieces of Royal Navy food slang.  Imagine a tray full of individual steak and kidney puddings: rows of glistening and moistly steaming pale domes…. I haven’t made these for probably 40 years but thought a little warming…

Loving Lock-down.

The traffic isn’t as quiet but the people are definitely louder.  I wish I’d maintained a graph of the exponential increase in sociability during the last few months – it would have been a wonderful antidote to those awful official…


Q: What difference has 25 years made? A: Not a lot if you’re a disabled person. This week marks 25 years since the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (later included in the Equality Act 2010).  And the result is a raspberry.…

Quick cakes for tea

Friends Joan and Jeff visited for a Covid-secure tea and came laden with their allotment produce including an enormous potato weighing in at over 750g – that would feed a family of four.  They’d brought peas that can be planted…

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