Category Blog

Easy Roast Lunch

  Book promotion, press releases and interviews has been at the core of my activities over the last week or so, so actual cooking on-line was rather a treat: Roast Lunch Baking Session 11th April: Roast Lunch Baking Session…

My Sprout

  It was supposed to be a term of endearment for the sous-chef: that lithe sprite.   Have I mentioned it before?   I can’t remember and there’s the rub.   One of the enduring problems since the accident is a bit of…

My Sprout

  It was supposed to be a term of endearment for the sous-chef: that lithe sprite.   Have I mentioned it before?   I can’t remember and there’s the rub.   One of the enduring problems since the accident is a bit of…

Hot off the Press

Five years from concept to delivery: this week, I’ve finally published the book.” A cook’s tour: Baking Blind goes global” is now out worldwide on Kindle and Amazon via their in-country weblinks.   It’s the tale of cooking across six continents,…


No recent transmission due to totally unexpected family bereavement.   Now trying to move on. The sous-chef delivered a super talk on his time during the Falklands conflict (Operation Corporate) for the Wickham Society as the 40th anniversary approaches. My book…

“It came away in my hand, Chief.” How well I remember that standard Royal Navy response to anything that got broken. You may recall smug tales of filling 5 litre bags of home-made grape juice last summer.   They have worked…

Valentine’s treat

  Clearing out kitchen cupboards sounds hardly romantic but is highly therapeutic: all that new clean space to fill again.   I had no problems throwing out the gravy granules: two packs, each Best Before 2006.   But I did resent having…

Hobnobbing with Honey

Hampshire’s Open Sight charity celebrated 100 years of support for visually impaired people across the county this week with a Covid-safe on-line drinks party.   While I’m keen, booze at 1130 seemed a bit excessive so a hot drink (not toddy)…

Marmalade Master Class.

  January is fast running out and now is the best and, perhaps, the only time to get hold of Seville oranges for marmalade.  If you buy lots, they freeze well if you have enough room. I’ve been developing this…

National Disability Strategy

Judge finds National Disability Strategy unlawful: the people it was supposed to help didn’t get the chance to have their say.  He agreed with campaigners that the Government’s consultation with disabled people hadn’t been good enough.  I completely agree that…

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