I thought I’d share last week’s fun and games with you to offer a smile: Will (another local blind veteran), Lesley with whom I joined the WRNS nearly 48 years ago plus Sally (an even older friend) were all here. I’ve been sharing some cooking sessions with Will so it was a good opportunity to get a bunch of old crocks together!
Will and I whisked up stunning sticky toffee puddings (well, my fabulous co-cook Karen and I had already done most of the prep the day before so it was a simple matter of whizzing the food processor, checking texture with barely licked fingers and stuffing the results into their baking tins). Utterly wicked toffee sauce with at least a million calories.
Then a quick Thai fish curry with cardamom and cumin rice. Rice was just throw everything into the rice cooker and stand-back. Curry was heaps of pre-prepped veg tossed in the electric wok with all the appropriate flavourings and coconut milk before poaching the fish. Bargain fish: haddock tail-ends about 2 inches long that the local fish-and-chip shop sells off frozen (presumably for cats etc) but that makes an incredible 9 meals for about £1.50 for the lot!
Will clearly has a tiny kitchen so Karen had dug out an ideal knife block for him: bristle inserts to hold the knives and small enough to allow him to swing that cat.
We sat down to devour the spoils which were excellent (even though I say so myself). It’s a joy to cook-along with Will and share the products of our labours with friends. Will’s generous chocolates were awarded to karen for her hard work and the knife block while Sally’s gift of flowers created spectacular arrangements. I think a good time was had by all.