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Terrific talk

Just down the road in Stubbington: about 100 eager listeners to my latest talk from the local U3A group. Brilliant news: I’m now able to stand for at least an hour which is great progress since falling down the stairs…

Terrific talk

Just down the road in Stubbington: about 100 eager listeners to my latest talk from the local U3A group. Brilliant news: I’m now able to stand for at least an hour which is great progress since falling down the stairs…

Latest from HMRC: Help with record keeping

See below for latest news and help from HMRC:   Dear customer, Keeping records is an essential part of running a business – not only because you’ll pay the right amount of tax – but you can also see how…

Pewter crafting.

Yes, you read it right!   Even a blind person can make wonderful things in this forgiving metal (if you have the guidance and support of a Master Craftsperson like Fleur to help I can’t share the photos as yesterday…

Pewter crafting.

Yes, you read it right!   Even a blind person can make wonderful things in this forgiving metal (if you have the guidance and support of a Master Craftsperson like Fleur to help I can’t share the photos as yesterday…

The Wayward Bus by John Steinbeck.

A recommended read.   Rural life in California after the war amidst a motley selection of travellers thrown together and tackling a disaster.   Lots of emotional undertones, conflict and passion but no naughty bits!   Fabulous writing that is quick and to-the-point.  …

Improving the NHS.

They’re asking for our ideas: Here’s a starter-for-10: stop being process driven but bring back management that drives forward positive health outcomes for patients. I worry about a drive towards digital in the NHS until they’ve got their humanity…

Improving the NHS.

They’re asking for our ideas: Here’s a starter-for-10: stop being process driven but bring back management that drives forward positive health outcomes for patients. I worry about a drive towards digital in the NHS until they’ve got their humanity…


A kitchen marathon last week to fill the freezer for ages to come, all thanks to the indomitable help of Karen and the great ingredients from Dave the Butcher’s of Highlands Road.  Together over a few hours we created two…


A kitchen marathon last week to fill the freezer for ages to come, all thanks to the indomitable help of Karen and the great ingredients from Dave the Butcher’s of Highlands Road.  Together over a few hours we created two…

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