Blind Veterans UK helps me live and work more independently
Click here to read Blind Veterans UK’s article about my new book
Click here to read Blind Veterans UK’s article about my new book
I regularly review books that I’ve read recently. This interview covers three “Scanid-noir” stories of crime, thrills and spills plus my own writing.
Me talking about my life and the book
Monday 11 April at 10.30 Penny’s roast chicken , potatoes and stuffing balls for easy Easter entertaining.
Click below: Blind cook shares death-defying experience, prize-winning world tour, recipes and much more in her triumph and near-tragedy life story. “Penny is a force of nature … whenever something seems impossible, I remember how she made her crazy dream…
Blind cook shares death-defying experience, prize-winning world tour, recipes and much more in her triumph and near-tragedy life story. “Penny is a force of nature … whenever something seems impossible, I remember how she made her crazy dream come true.”
“A cook’s tour: Baking Blind goes global” – the story of my international prize-winning cooking tour across six continents (with over 100 authentic world recipes plus links to over 50 cooking demonstration video) plus surviving near-death. Available on Amazon and…
Clearing out kitchen cupboards sounds hardly romantic but is highly therapeutic: all that new clean space to fill again. I had no problems throwing out the gravy granules: two packs, each Best Before 2006. But I did resent having…
“A cook’s tour: Baking Blind goes global” – the story of my international prize-winning cooking tour across six continents (with over 100 authentic world recipes plus links to over 50 cooking demonstration video) plus surviving near-death. Will be available on…