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The Mouse Man cometh.

Home cooking. I must have done something good some time to have deserved my outstanding housekeeper, Karen. She has been supporting me for over 21 years and grown into the role of being utterly indispensable.   I remember the old days…

Tax matters

Tax Matters   Whatever your work situation, there may always be times when you need to be in contact with HMRC. Here is a list of some of the latest information.   Publication of Tax Administration Framework Review Documents The…

King eligible for Blue Parking badge?

Three cheers for King Charles for telling us about his cancer.   It’s taken enormous courage and bravery to acknowledge his diagnosis, the treatment and the impact on his life. Many millions of other people know about getting a life-changing health…

King eligible for Blue Parking badge?

Three cheers for King Charles for telling us about his cancer.   It’s taken enormous courage and bravery to acknowledge his diagnosis, the treatment and the impact on his life. Many millions of other people know about getting a life-changing health…

As January draws to a close…

Hurrah!  Massive congratulations to the sous-chef for completing his January “Run your Age” challenge for Age UK with a day to spare.  Not only has he gathered a bit of sponsorship for the charity but he has overcome…

As January draws to a close…

Hurrah!  Massive congratulations to the sous-chef for completing his January “Run your Age” challenge for Age UK with a day to spare.  Not only has he gathered a bit of sponsorship for the charity but he has overcome…

Treading carefully

Making progress.  Good news: the hospital bed and all the other paraphernalia has gone back and, hurrah!, I’ve actually walked down the front path to the gate.  It was my first venture outside since 18 September last year.  Visiting nurse…

January rambles

Hot stuff.  The sous-chef is still pounding out his daily quota as he runs his age.  Sponsorship welcomed at  and all goes to Age UK.  He’s the only person I know who runs in cashmere!   Right first…

Happy January

Running for Age UK. The sous-chef’s challenge for January this year: running his very considerable age. The combination of an old serious injury plus his very ancient years means that he’ll use most of the month to reach the distance.…

Sixty years on.

Just finished Mickey Spillane’s book “The Snake” (published 1964).   Staggering attitudes towards how men and women interacted: lantern-jawed, monosyllabic Mike Hammer resisting sex before marriage while relishing Velda’s provocative repeated disrobing.   No wonder young men had such skewed attitudes towards…

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