Apple Harvest.

It’s that time of year again and we are fighting a losing battle with the windfalls.

Thankfully,   we have this excellent moist apple cake recipe which is so simple that the sous-chef made this one, replacing the sugar with our latest home honey.  “A piece of cake” he says.  More apples have gone into over 30 jars of bottled puree (about 35 litres and I’ve run out of jars!) which can be stored for many months to go with breakfast porridge or homemade granola

All the trimmings and remaining apples have been steamed to make apple juice (13 litres so far).  The juice goes into the bags that are usually used for wine but also work perfectly for honey.

All one needs is the storage space which is getting very tight!  The apple trees themselves are probably around 150 years old and, while showing their age, are still producing madly.

Damsons and pears next …


A silicone cake mould in the shape of a castle.   A freshly baked apple cake in the shape of a castle.    A steamer with bag for making the apple puree.

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