Risotto pescatori.


Liz, I know that you are out there! I wonder if you remember us searching restaurants in Caserta looking for one that would serve both spaghetti alla putenesca  for you and risotto pescatori for me?  My recollection is of two tall, bronzed, dark-haired young women striding through the streets – we looked quite Italian but, being so much taller, drew many eyes.

We finally found a restaurant and devoured our lunch with at least one bottle of Mateus Rosé and were complaining to each other about our respective love lives.  Then we went to the Palace of Caserta and took a pony and trap ride up the length of the very long water feature in the gardens.  The driver tried to make us walk up the steep bits but we declined.  There was a fountain at the very far end and we caught a little train coming back.

My sous chef has been experimenting with the risotto and adapting his usual prawn version with the addition of mussels and scallops.  I made your spaghetti and thought of you many times when I was cooking it in France, where it was extremely popular.     It is over 40 years since I first went to Italy thinking no further than spag bol – now, I know much more about Italian cuisine and can even cook some of it too.




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